Energy infrastructure

By investing in resilient, sustainable, and efficient energy infrastructure, societies can unlock economic opportunities, reduce environmental impacts, and build a more prosperous and sustainable future for generations to come.

Energy infrastructure forms the backbone of modern societies enabling the production, transmission, and distribution of energy resources to meet the diverse needs of individuals, industries, and economies.

Our charging solutions

Transport electrification demands fast charging with higher power levels. Most charging sites are directly connected to the grid, resulting in a high peak power requirement.

Introducing charging stations with batteries and optional solar panels is essential to prevent infrastructure overload and to accelerate the development of new charging points.

PSW introduces various technologies in the same footprint:

Smart grid technology

One of the key strategies for integrating renewables is the development of smart grid technologies.

Smart grids utilize advanced sensors, communication networks, and control systems to efficiently manage electricity generation, distribution, and consumption in real-time.

By incorporating renewable energy forecasting algorithms, grid operators can anticipate fluctuations in generation and adjust power flows accordingly, thereby minimizing disruptions and optimizing resource utilization.